Values and Goals Assignment Be sure to assemble the assignment with all compone

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Values and Goals Assignment
Be sure to assemble the assignment with all components. First, include a title page, then the 9 questions each
listed with your answer underneath each question, then follow that with the Workplace Values Assessment
(starting at the top of a new page), and finally include Rate Your Work Values (also starting at the top of a new
page). Use one fontcolor for the questions and a
different font color for the answers. Be descriptive in your answers. Single-space and use 12-point font, Times
New Roman, for the nine questions and their answers.
1. The Ukleja Center for Ethical Treatment at CSULB states their core values as Integrity, Servant
Leadership, Excellence, and Empowerment. The Ukleja Center’s values provide guidance and a moral
compass for individuals to use in applying ethical behavior in their personal and business lives
How do your values guide your behavior? List the five top values that are most important to you and then
write a statement for each value describing how that value guides your behavior in daily life.
a. Example of how to answer this question: My five top values are humor, integrity, honesty, etc.
First, the value of humor allows me to navigate the ups and downs of life, both professionally and
personally, by finding the bright spot in both good and bad situations. Second, the value of
integrity…etc. Third, the value of honesty . . . Fourth, the value of . . . Finally, the value of . . .

2. Describe yourself and your personal characteristics as you think others see you. We tend to see ourselves
a little differently than others see us. Ask those around you to describe you. Are you high maintenance?
Easy-going? Fun to be around? Complain a lot? Cheerful in any circumstance? Dreary? Etc. Ask them.

3. Identify and explain the expertise and talents you have that will be assets in your career field.
Acknowledge your limitations and describe how you can enhance your skills. Address both assets and

4. State your long-term educational goal (degrees, major), then state your long-term career goal (to be a
dietician, own a pre-school, etc.), and finally state your long-term personal goals (married with three kids,
run a marathon, travel, etc.)

a. Example: My educational goal is to complete a master’s degree in Child Development. My career
goal is to work in some capacity with children with autism. My personal goal is to get married,
have children and live in the Seattle area.

5. Identify three short-term goals to achieve in the next three years that will increase your ability to be
successful in your chosen career. Keep these goals to the subject of your career only.

6. What conflicts or obstacles do you foresee in obtaining your goals? Money? Family support? Etc.

7. What financial goals do you have? Be specific. Earn a certain amount? Invest? Own a business? Own a
home? Etc. Be very specific in this answer. What would make you happy with respect to finances.

8. Consider your resources, such as time, money, emotional support, abilities, and skills. Are your
educational, career and personal goals realistic and achievable? Explain.

9. Write five (5) achievable goals in order of importance for the next ten years of your life. Indicate beside
each one of them a timeframe (month and year) as to when you want to complete the goal.
Workplace Values Assessment
This activity is provided to allow you to reflect on what you truly value.
First, rate the importance of each of the workplace values on the list. There are a few blank lines at the end of the
list in case something isn’t listed that you value in your work. Be honest when filling this out as there are no right
or wrong answers.
Rate the degree of importance you place on each of the following workplace values using the following scale:
1 = Very important to me
2 = Reasonably important to me
3 = Somewhat important to me
4 = Not important to me at all
I am interested in jobs and careers that include:
___ creating/building things
___ mental challenge/mentally demanding/problem-solving
___ physical challenge/physically demanding
___ opportunity for balance between work life and family life
___ flexibility in work structure
___ intellectual status; an acknowledged “expert” in a given field
___ order and structure
___ high degree of competition
___ integrity and truth
___ rewarding loyalty and dependability
___ having self-respect ad pride in work
___ stability and security
___ strong financial compensation and financial rewards
___ being recognized for quality of work in a visible/public way
___ having a positive impact on others and society
___ using creativity imagination; being innovative
___ variety and a changing work place
___ professional development and on-going learning and growth
___ friendships and warm working relationships
___ teamwork and work groups
___ glamour, prestige, respect, or a level of social status
___ routine, predictable work projects
___ deadlines and time demand/pressure challenges
___ clear advancement tracks/opportunities for advancement
___ tranquility, comfort, and avoidance of pressure
___ dealing with the public/day-to-day contact with the public
___ using cutting edge or pioneering technologies or techniques
___ opportunities for supervision/power leadership influence
___ making decisions/having power to decide courses of action
___ respect, recognition, being valued
___ autonomy, independence, freedom
___ precision work with little tolerance for error
___ adventure and excitement
___ _________________________________
___ _________________________________
Second, identify the 10 most important values to you. Indicate in bold font each of the most important values on
the list above.
Third, narrow down your list of the 10 values you have in bold above to the five core values you hold most
sacred – that you can’t live without in your job/workplace. Place them below:
This compiles a list of workplace values that represent who you are at the core. It is this core group of workplace
values that help determine your level of satisfaction with your job and your career; and which should be used to
judge the level of “fit” with any future company, corporation, or career change.
Rate Your Work Values
Look at yourself at work and/or school. As you see yourself in that setting, consider what personal needs/values
are required of you. To help clarify those needs/values, rate the degree of importance of the following work
values. Use this scale as a measuring guide:
1- not important at all in my work/career
2- not very important in my work/career
3- somewhat important in my work/career
4- very important in my work/career
5- essential in my work/career

__ Help Society (I want my work to contribute to the betterment of the world I live in)
__ Affiliation/Friendship/Team Work (I want to have strong, close relationships with people/co-workers)
__ Make Decisions (I want to have power to decide course of action, policies, etc.)
__ Influence People & Institutions (I want to be in a position to influence attitudes or opinions of others)
__ Power & Authority (I want to be in a position to control the work activities or destiny of others)
__ Status (I want to be regarded as someone with expertise, power, skills or knowledge)
__ Recognition (I want to be acknowledged in some visible or public way)
__ Creativity (I want to create new ideas, programs, structures)
__ Opportunity (I want to learn and grow professionally)
__ Change & Variety (I want to have work responsibilities which change over time, in content and setting)
__ Stability (I work to have a routine and job duties that are predictable, and do not change much over time)
__ Security (I want to be assured that I will be able to keep my position over time)
__ Fast Pace/Pressure (I want to work where there is a fast pace of activity)
__ Excitement/Adventure (I want work duties which involve frequent risk-taking on my part)
__ Independence (I want to be able to determine the nature of my own work)
__ Time/Freedom (I want to be able to determine my own time schedule)
__ Profit/Gain (I want to earn a lot of money and have significant material gain)
__ Moral Fulfillment (I want my work to contribute to a set of morals/standards I believe are important)
Work Values and Goals
Now look back over your ratings. Choose three of the work values which you rated as the most important to

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