Observation Assignment Room Description (10 points) Watch the video of the

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Observation Assignment
Room Description (10 points) Watch the video of the preschool classroom from the link. Describe the room from the video. Is the arrangement and set up helpful in child development? Is it bright and colorful? Are things arranged at child’s eye level to attract attention and help them become interested in playing/learning? Are things arranged and set up developmentally appropriately? Note the toys that are available in play areas. What safety precautions are taken (to avoid accidents and to prevent the spread of germs)? You are required to write a coherent paragraph describing the room. This paragraph should be at least ½ a page long.
Physical Description (15 points)
Describe the physical characteristics of six children (3 boys and 3 girls) from the video link. This is to help you note obvious individual differences with regard to physical characteristics of the children. List at least 5 characteristics for each child. Examples include: gender, hair color, height comparisons (average height or taller/shorter than most of the other children), weight comparisons (average weight or more/less weight than most of the other children), pale or darker completions, etc., and other relevant information about the children (dimples, scars, birthmarks, eye color, etc.).
Descriptive phrases such as “smiles a lot”, “very active”, “quiet”, and “wearing a blue shirt and green pants” are NOT acceptable. Physical description should include things about he child that are unchanging and will help someone else who has not seen the child to identify who your observation is about. Some examples would include: brown eyes, brown hair, shorter that most children, thinner than most children, plump cheeks, oval chin, etc.
Guidance Techniques
There are examples guidance techniques employed at the child care center in the video link. Use this first video link to respond to sections 1, 2, and 3. Find situational examples of the following techniques. You need to include a description of the whole action. What the child was doing, how the teacher responded, and how the child responded to the teacher’s guidance technique (actions and words). Your observations should objectively describe what you see happening. After you objectively describe what you have seen, you can provide your interpretation of the situation. Management of children: (5 points) Includes activities where the teacher is concerned with directing children in order to promote orderliness of the room and safety of the children. Example: restricting amount of noise, asking children to begin an activity, stopping unnecessary running, etc.
Encouragement of children: Learning Theory (Behavior Modification)Ignoring Behavior: (5 points) The teacher is obviously aware of, but chooses to let the children solve the problem and decides to ignore the behavior.
Positive OR Negative Reinforcement: (5 points) The teacher gives something good to the child (such as praise or a hug), positive reinforcement, or takes away something bad, negative reinforcement. Example: solves a problem the child has.
Blocking Behavior: (5 points) Teacher stops a child’s behavior. Examples include: Holding hands to keep child from hitting another; preventing child from getting up at rest time.
Presentation of Alternate Stimulus: (5 points) The teacher has blocked or stopped a behavior and diverts the child’s attention to another activity. Examples include: A child snatches another’s toy; the teacher returns it but also gives the child a toy or gets him interested in another activity. All tricycles are being used so the teacher gives the child a choice of another activity.
Concern for Feelings:Help child to Verbalize Feelings: (5 points) The teacher helps child talk about his feelings. Example: “Tell me how you feel.”
Help child Understand how other’s feel: (5 points) Example: “It hurts Merritt when you hit her.” Or “You made Cheryl happy when you shared your play dough.”
A. Motivating children: (5 points) The teacher is concerned with getting a child interested in an activity. Example: asking what he wants to do, suggesting that he try some activity, starting an activity with him, or bringing the child something to play with.
B. Supporting-Extending: (5 points) Includes activities of the teacher that help, support, and extent the activity already selected by the child. Examples include: suggestion rotation of a puzzle piece in order to get it to fit; reading stories when the child requests it; helping find answers to her questions. C. Friendly contacts: (5 points) Includes conversation with a child or children, but without any attempt to manage them or motivate them. Example: physical contact such as patting on the head or holding a child’s hand. It could include holding a child in one’s lap or even extending a greeting such as “Good Morning.”
Use this second video link to respond to section 4.
Write-up (25 points)
Think about the videos with all we have discussed in class. Please answer the following questions and elaborate. Be sure to give examples to support your answer.
Is what you observed beneficial for the children? (Give examples for all three areas of development: physical, cognitive, and social)
Are the guidance techniques used in an appropriate manner and in the “right” situation? Please elaborate.
Is the interaction between teachers and children positive? Please elaborate.
Does it follow developmentally appropriate guidelines? (Give examples for all three areas of development: physical, cognitive, and social)
Pick one of the children that you observed. How does she/he fit with what we have discussed developmentally? Is she/he developmentally advanced/delayed? Give examples from all three areas of development: physical, cognitive, and social

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