Ashlyn Thomas FridayJan 13 at 4:47pm In summary, the theory of intersectionality

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Ashlyn Thomas
FridayJan 13 at 4:47pm
In summary, the theory of intersectionality is used to examine issues among society by comparing and contrasting the different experiences of social identities. The theory of intersectionality is important because it allows us an understanding of the different obstacles, such as discrimination, experienced by certain genders, races, etc.
I do not recall any instances in which I personally experienced discrimination against certain aspects of my identity. Growing up, I did witness others experience discrimination because they were from another country, dressed a certain way to respect their religious beliefs, or because they looked very different than the rest of the students. Although I was a child during this time, I was aware enough to realize what was going on. It goes to show how young children become engaged in discriminatory acts. Being a biracial woman, black and white, my hair was always different than the other girls’ hair at my schools growing up. I would receive comments every now and then pointing out that my hair was “stiff”, but that is the only situation I can recall where I was treated differently. Overall, the schools I went to contained mainly white students which is why students who were different races or from other countries were easily susceptible to discrimination.
After watching the YouTube video clip from the TV show What Would You Do?, it’s clear that the reactions from the public were more aggressive when the black man was trying to break the bike loose. The first man who was white received a comment that wished him luck, the second man who was black actually had a crowd around him and at one point a citizen shouted, “call the police”, and the third person who was a woman had someone offer to help her. I believe society to hold certain perspectives of different races and genders based off of the things they have heard or seen growing up, whether it had been on TV or heard through the grapevine. I also think it’s possible that the woman was offered help because the man did not believe she could complete the task on her own, which is not uncommon in society. (aman2k, 2011)
aman2k. (2011, July 9). Racial Stereotyping: You see a black guy, white guy, pretty girl committing a crime. What you do? Links to an external site.[Video file]. Retrieved from to an external site.Ashlyn Thomas
FridayJan 13 at 4:47pmManage Discussion Entry
In summary, the theory of intersectionality is used to examine issues among society by comparing and contrasting the different experiences of social identities. The theory of intersectionality is important because it allows us an understanding of the different obstacles, such as discrimination, experienced by certain genders, races, etc.
I do not recall any instances in which I personally experienced discrimination against certain aspects of my identity. Growing up, I did witness others experience discrimination because they were from another country, dressed a certain way to respect their religious beliefs, or because they looked very different than the rest of the students. Although I was a child during this time, I was aware enough to realize what was going on. It goes to show how young children become engaged in discriminatory acts. Being a biracial woman, black and white, my hair was always different than the other girls’ hair at my schools growing up. I would receive comments every now and then pointing out that my hair was “stiff”, but that is the only situation I can recall where I was treated differently. Overall, the schools I went to contained mainly white students which is why students who were different races or from other countries were easily susceptible to discrimination.
After watching the YouTube video clip from the TV show What Would You Do?, it’s clear that the reactions from the public were more aggressive when the black man was trying to break the bike loose. The first man who was white received a comment that wished him luck, the second man who was black actually had a crowd around him and at one point a citizen shouted, “call the police”, and the third person who was a woman had someone offer to help her. I believe society to hold certain perspectives of different races and genders based off of the things they have heard or seen growing up, whether it had been on TV or heard through the grapevine. I also think it’s possible that the woman was offered help because the man did not believe she could complete the task on her own, which is not uncommon in society. (aman2k, 2011)
aman2k. (2011, July 9). Racial Stereotyping: You see a black guy, white guy, pretty girl committing a crime. What you do? Links to an external site.[Video file]. Retrieved from to an external site.COLLAPSE SUBDISCUSSIONTelisha Cull
Telisha Cull
SaturdayJan 14 at 3:24pmManage Discussion Entry
Week 5, Discussion 1
The United States has become more racially and ethically diverse because of different immigrants relocating to the United states legally/illegally. Many individuals are more likely to say that it’s good that the U.S population is radically and ethically mixed, which can have a positive impact on the U.S culture. According to (Taylor, 2014), over 40 million immigrants arrived in the United States far back to 1965. In the 1960s 85% of the United states was predominantly white, and that number will be lowered to 43% in 2060 ( Taylor, 2014). Americans are more ethically and ethnically diverse than in the past, and will even be more diverse in the years to come. The demographics of the United States will most likely change. Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government that represents the American people and makes the nation’s laws that influence our daily lives.
The demographics of the United States population and Congress can be similar in some areas and different in others. The United States has always been a country of growing racial and ethnic diversity, but Congress remains less diverse than the nation as a whole. Potential consequences of the demographic composition of Congress not matching the demographic composition of it’s citizens can face discrimination. Congress is not equally proportion in race and sex, leaving the majority of white men to make decisions.
Taylor, P. (2014, April 10).The Next America. Retrieved from Pew Research Center:
According to Noren, in the United States, the population is 64% White, 16% Hispanic, 13% Black, 5% Asian, and 1% Native. There are 51% of Females and 49% of Males which is almost even. According to the statistic there are more Protestants than any other religion. Protestants are 51%, Catholics 24%, Mormon 2%, Jewish 2% and other religions combined make up 21%.
The belief is that as time passes, the demographics in the U.S. will change. The population was led by White making up the majority but over time the U.S. has changed its racial makeup. “In 1960, the population of the United States was 85% white; by 2060, it will be only 43% white,” Taylor (2014). There are estimated to be more Asian and Mexican citizens as immigration continues to grow. There are more intermarriages so many people are having children of mixed race. Many of the younger generations are not religious or not very religious.
Currently, in there has been an increase in the makeup of Congress but the difference do not compare to the make of the United States. The diversity in race and gender are still not equal to the population of the nation. There seems to be a more diverse Congress than from previous years but Christians have the highest number. “Christians are still overrepresented in Congress in proportion to their share of the public: Nearly nine-in-ten congressional members are Christian (88%), compared with 65% of U.S. adults overall Links to an external site., Taylor (2014).
The Congress and the U.S. population should match regarding race, gender, and religion. In order for there to be a true representation of the citizens there cannot be an imbalance in Congress. When the decisions don’t represent the population they represent, who are they fighting for and what is their true agenda?
Taylor, P. (2014, April 10).The Next America. Retrieved from Pew Research Center:
Dominique Edmunds
ThursdayJan 12 at 9:06pm
Manage Discussion Entry
I would describe the theory of intersectionality as one or more discriminations one has against an individual. It is important to understand the multiple social identities of an individual because it will allow you to have empathy and compassion because you will have an understanding what mental challenges an individual is faced with continuously based on no fault of their own. As I was reading the material stating that black women were not desired because of their strength, not by any type of man (black, white, or asian) I found this to be another tactic to devalue the black woman. As a black woman (woman of color) I am desired by all races (black, white, and asian). How can one judge a book by its cover. Black men love their black woman and so do many other men. I have never had this issue and yes I am strong and soft. We all have yin and yang in DNA makeup (masculine, feminine) and it will require a balancing act as to when which one is needed. No woman wants a man who acts like a woman and no man wants a woman who acts like a man. That is real men and women. But, men love when a woman is strong in certain areas and soft in others. The same is true for a woman loving a man strong in certain areas but gentle (soft) in others. I know how to let a man be a man and be what he needs me to be.
As far as the video what I would do? The reactions were sickening and disturbing and represented the United States of America (racism, discrimination, and favoritism). As in the world we live in, a white man is free to basically get away with murder, the black man will be murdered or mobbed and the white woman will be looked at as pure innocence by the white man and hated on by the same sex because of her attractiveness. Stereotypes are ignorant. Black is considered a criminal while white is considered good. It is the furthest from the truth.
aman2k. (2011, July 9). Racial Stereotyping: You see a black guy, white guy, pretty girl committing a crime. What you do? Links to an external site.[Video file]. Retrieved from

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