All scenarios is included under each part, EACH PART has to be completed. Part 1

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All scenarios is included under each part, EACH PART has to be completed.
Part 1
UWEAR_and_PALEDENIM_Merger_Scenario.docx (
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your ideas, analysis, and comments supported with application of course learning materials. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Review the UWEAR and PALEDENIM scenario found here.
You will first meet with the CEOs of each organization, Theresa Tramlin and Mike Miller, to help them understand their important leadership roles for the success of the merger.
The merger is a significant change for both organizations; there is growing anxiety and uncertainty among the employees of both organizations. The goal is to complete the merger in a way that maintains employee performance and allegiance to the merged organization. Both CEOs were promoted from managerial positions, so one of your tasks is to help them understand how to distinguish the two roles.
Please discuss the following with your classmates:
In your opinion, what is the difference between being a manager and being a leader?
Read research findings by Kabacoff (1998) that, although men and women are perceived as equally effective in leading, women tend to focus more on production, attaining results, and people, while men tend to focus on strategic planning, organization vision, and business tasks.
Considering this, in your opinion, which leadership theory or style will be effective when leading the merger and why?
Part 2 see KD template 1
Problem B: Regulatory Compliance 1 Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business. Knowing that mergers may require a dramatic change in company culture, you realize that you need to meet with the human resources (HR) and leadership teams because they will play important roles in the merger. The leadership team will drive the change, and the HR team will be charged with managing the change. You have scheduled a meeting with Steve Maine, your vice president at ALTAP consulting, to consult with him on this project. “Thanks for meeting me today, Steve,” you begin. “I need to talk through some of the issues before meeting with the HR and leadership teams at UWEAR and PALEDENIM. The merger is going well, but it is becoming apparent that there are some significant change issues that need to be addressed.” “I’ve heard good things about your work on this project,” Steve answers. “I’m sure you have it under control, but I’ll be happy to help where I can.” “We are dealing with the issues of joining together two very disparate companies,” you explain. “On the one hand, UWEAR is public and has 100 employees; on the other hand, PALEDENIM is private with only 15 employees. They basically provide the same type of service, but they are completely different businesses in how they operate inside and outside of the company.” You continue, “Yes, and both the employees and managers of each company have different philosophies and expectations. PALEDENIM employees and managers have a kind of ‘one-for-all and all-for-one’ attitude. They all chip in to get the job done. The UWEAR employees and managers look at things differently. They’re more apt to do their jobs, get them done, and go home without consideration for what else the rest of the team needs to complete.” “That is definitely a culture issue,” Steve agrees. “In fact, that is the classic definition of a culture issue. I’m sure they’re also dealing with the typical power struggles. I bet everyone is worried about whether their department will be headed by a UWEAR manager or a PALEDENIM manager.” Problem B: Regulatory Compliance 2 “Exactly,” you say. “I know the intention of the merger is to benefit both companies, but there are unintended consequences as well. We need to do whatever we can to help the employees of both companies get through this with the fewest glitches possible.
Because leadership is often learned by exploring stories of successful leaders, the CEOs have asked you to reflect on your own experiences as a leader. They would like to you to think about which leadership theories or styles you use. They believe that by sharing these stories, they will be able to prepare you for leading the merger.
Review the scenario for this course, and respond to the following:
Describe an example of your own success story as a leader, if not professionally, then in the community or within your family.
Which leadership theories or styles helped you to be successful, and why?
How would you lead the merger in the UWEAR-PALEDENIM scenario?
Part 3
Scenario A[EC1]
Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business.
Your meeting with the chief executive officers (CEOs) of UWEAR and PALEDENIM went well. In a discussion following the meeting, Theresa Tramlin, the CEO of UWEAR, mentioned that she would like you to spend some time in the field with her top sales representative to get a feel for what the salespeople face every day selling in the current business environment. Today, you are scheduled to spend the day with Joe Smith.
As you walk across the lobby of UWEAR, you see Theresa talking to a tall, distinguished-looking man. “This is Joe Smith,” Theresa introduces when you step up to them. “You’ll be spending some time with him today in the field.”
“Nice to meet you, Joe,” you respond, shaking Joe’s hand.
Theresa says goodbye and makes her way to the elevator while you and Joe head toward the parking garage. “We’re going to meet with a couple of clients today,” Joe explains. “First, we’ll have lunch with Bill Bateman, the CEO of the Peninsula Hotel chain. He’s a great guy and I’m sure you’ll enjoy meeting him.”
“Where are we meeting him for lunch?” I ask, getting into Joe’s car.
“Bill’s hotel, the Peninsula, has a great restaurant that I frequently use to meet clients,” Joe answers. “The food is outstanding. We’re going to meet him there to discuss the renewal of his uniform contract.”
As you continue the drive to the hotel, Joe elaborates on his business history with Bill. “I was able to win the contract for the Peninsula chain last year,” he explains. “We were just able to underbid our competitor, Threads4U. In fact, Bill said that I underbid them by about $5 per uniform. Great victory on my part.”
“It sounds like you’ve established a great working relationship with Bill,” you say.
“Oh, yeah,” Joe agrees. “He’s a great guy. The first time we met, I was on my way to buy a nice bottle of cabernet as a birthday gift for my wife. She loves the expensive wines. I happened to mention this to Bill, he said he orders it all the time and offered to give me some for free. I told him it wasn’t
necessary, but he insisted. When I got my car back from the valet, I found not just a bottle, but an entire case of high-end cabernet in my trunk.” Joe shakes his head, smiling. “But that’s just the kind of guy Bill is.”
“It sounds like it worked out for you and your wife,” you comment. “Did she enjoy her birthday gift?”
“Yes,” Joe says. “We both enjoyed it for quite some time. Well, here we are,” he adds, pulling up the Peninsula Hotel.
As you park and exit the car, Joe explains, “Since Bill and I have been doing business, he’s referred three other hotel owners to me to supply their uniforms. Except for when I’m meeting with one of his competitors, I usually conduct business meetings with clients here at the restaurant in Bill’s hotel.”
“It’s a beautiful hotel,” you comment as Joe leads you through the lobby, admiring the elegant décor. “No wonder you enjoy coming here. I wouldn’t mind bringing my family here for a weekend sometime.”
“Actually,” Joe says, “My wife and I have become really good friends with Bill and his wife. He often invites us out onto his yacht with his family, we go to social events with them, and we’ve stayed at the hotel several times. We really enjoy it. You should bring your family sometime, too. Kids love the pool with the waterfall.
You nod, following Joe into the hotel’s restaurant. After all you’ve heard about Bill, you are very interested in meeting him.
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
View this Ethical Dilemma to learn more about the relationship between Joe, the salesman for UWEAR, and Bill, the customer. Bill and Joe have a history of business dealings, which you will analyze using ethical principles. It seems that their dealings are in the grey area of business conduct and it’s important to discuss the dilemma to understand the implications of this behavior.
Once you have read the ethical dilemma, discuss the following questions with your classmates:
Are Bill’s gifts a form of bribery?
Which ethical theory supports your view? Why?
What other ethical issues might be associated with the relationship between Bill and Joe?
Part 4 see KD template 2
Scenario A[EC2]
Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business.
Your meeting with the chief executive officers (CEOs) of UWEAR and PALEDENIM went well. In a discussion following the meeting, Theresa Tramlin, the CEO of UWEAR, mentioned that she would like you to spend some time in the field with her top sales representative to get a feel for what the salespeople face every day selling in the current business environment. Today, you are scheduled to spend the day with Joe Smith.
As you walk across the lobby of UWEAR, you see Theresa talking to a tall, distinguished-looking man. “This is Joe Smith,” Theresa introduces when you step up to them. “You’ll be spending some time with him today in the field.”
“Nice to meet you, Joe,” you respond, shaking Joe’s hand.
Theresa says goodbye and makes her way to the elevator while you and Joe head toward the parking garage. “We’re going to meet with a couple of clients today,” Joe explains. “First, we’ll have lunch with Bill Bateman, the CEO of the Peninsula Hotel chain. He’s a great guy and I’m sure you’ll enjoy meeting him.”
“Where are we meeting him for lunch?” I ask, getting into Joe’s car.
“Bill’s hotel, the Peninsula, has a great restaurant that I frequently use to meet clients,” Joe answers. “The food is outstanding. We’re going to meet him there to discuss the renewal of his uniform contract.”
As you continue the drive to the hotel, Joe elaborates on his business history with Bill. “I was able to win the contract for the Peninsula chain last year,” he explains. “We were just able to underbid our competitor, Threads4U. In fact, Bill said that I underbid them by about $5 per uniform. Great victory on my part.”
“It sounds like you’ve established a great working relationship with Bill,” you say.
“Oh, yeah,” Joe agrees. “He’s a great guy. The first time we met, I was on my way to buy a nice bottle of cabernet as a birthday gift for my wife. She loves the expensive wines. I happened to mention this to Bill, he said he orders it all the time and offered to give me some for free. I told him it wasn’t
necessary, but he insisted. When I got my car back from the valet, I found not just a bottle, but an entire case of high-end cabernet in my trunk.” Joe shakes his head, smiling. “But that’s just the kind of guy Bill is.”
“It sounds like it worked out for you and your wife,” you comment. “Did she enjoy her birthday gift?”
“Yes,” Joe says. “We both enjoyed it for quite some time. Well, here we are,” he adds, pulling up the Peninsula Hotel.
As you park and exit the car, Joe explains, “Since Bill and I have been doing business, he’s referred three other hotel owners to me to supply their uniforms. Except for when I’m meeting with one of his competitors, I usually conduct business meetings with clients here at the restaurant in Bill’s hotel.”
“It’s a beautiful hotel,” you comment as Joe leads you through the lobby, admiring the elegant décor. “No wonder you enjoy coming here. I wouldn’t mind bringing my family here for a weekend sometime.”
“Actually,” Joe says, “My wife and I have become really good friends with Bill and his wife. He often invites us out onto his yacht with his family, we go to social events with them, and we’ve stayed at the hotel several times. We really enjoy it. You should bring your family sometime, too. Kids love the pool with the waterfall.
You nod, following Joe into the hotel’s restaurant. After all you’ve heard about Bill, you are very interested in meeting him.
Review this Ethical Dilemma about Bill and Joe’s relationship.
Joe has scheduled a meeting with his management team for next week to talk about the Peninsula Hotel chain contract. He hopes that he will be able to work with them to publish a contract favorable to Peninsula that will ensure its renewal for another year. He is reasonably sure that the contract renewal will ensure his continued success and employment with UWEAR. Bill invites Joe and his family to join them on his yacht for the weekend.
Joe is relieved to get the invitation from Bill because their relationship has been strained lately due to the contract negotiations.
Joe must decide how he will answer Bill’s invitation to join him and his family on their yacht.
Using ethical principles that you have learned thus far to justify your answers, please respond to the following questions:
What are some reasons why Joe should turn down the invitation?
What are some reasons why Joe could accept the invitation?
Does Joe’s relationship with Bill meet the definition of a conflict of interest?
Access the assignment template.
Part 5
Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business. Knowing that mergers may require a dramatic change in company culture, you realize that you need to meet with the human resources (HR) and leadership teams because they will play important roles in the merger. The leadership team will drive the change, and the HR team will be charged with managing the change. You have scheduled a meeting with Steve Maine, your vice president at ALTAP consulting, to consult with him on this project. “Thanks for meeting me today, Steve,” you begin. “I need to talk through some of the issues before meeting with the HR and leadership teams at UWEAR and PALEDENIM. The merger is going well, but it is becoming apparent that there are some significant change issues that need to be addressed.” “I’ve heard good things about your work on this project,” Steve answers. “I’m sure you have it under control, but I’ll be happy to help where I can.” “We are dealing with the issues of joining together two very disparate companies,” you explain. “On the one hand, UWEAR is public and has 100 employees; on the other hand, PALEDENIM is private with only 15 employees. They basically provide the same type of service, but they are completely different businesses in how they operate inside and outside of the company.” You continue, “Yes, and both the employees and managers of each company have different philosophies and expectations. PALEDENIM employees and managers have a kind of ‘one-for-all and all-for-one’ attitude. They all chip in to get the job done. The UWEAR employees and managers look at things differently. They’re more apt to do their jobs, get them done, and go home without consideration for what else the rest of the team needs to complete.” “That is definitely a culture issue,” Steve agrees. “In fact, that is the classic definition of a culture issue. I’m sure they’re also dealing with the typical power struggles. I bet everyone is worried about whether their department will be headed by a UWEAR manager or a PALEDENIM manager.” Problem B: Regulatory Compliance 2 “Exactly,” you say. “I know the intention of the merger is to benefit both companies, but there are unintended consequences as well. We need to do whatever we can to help the employees of both companies get through this with the fewest glitches possible.
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:
Theresa and Mike want to create a merged company called JEANSTYLE that is defined by a culture of integrity, thus aiding employees in making ethical decisions, such as in Joe’s ethical dilemma. They will begin by understanding the methods of embedding ethical decision making and behaviors into the culture, including their responsibilities as leaders. You, the consultant, are asked to provide recommendations and guidance to help them shape the culture they are intending. This discussion is about values, a culture of integrity, and the role of leaders in creating and maintaining it.
Review the scenario for this course, and discuss the following with your classmates:
What ethical theories can be used to create a values-driven culture of integrity?
What organizational programs or processes can help achieve a values-driven culture of integrity?
In this type of culture, what decision-making processes can the CEOs use to make ethical decisions?
Include any insights from your professional experience.
Part 6 see KD template 3
Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business. Knowing that mergers may require a dramatic change in company culture, you realize that you need to meet with the human resources (HR) and leadership teams because they will play important roles in the merger. The leadership team will drive the change, and the HR team will be charged with managing the change. You have scheduled a meeting with Steve Maine, your vice president at ALTAP consulting, to consult with him on this project. “Thanks for meeting me today, Steve,” you begin. “I need to talk through some of the issues before meeting with the HR and leadership teams at UWEAR and PALEDENIM. The merger is going well, but it is becoming apparent that there are some significant change issues that need to be addressed.” “I’ve heard good things about your work on this project,” Steve answers. “I’m sure you have it under control, but I’ll be happy to help where I can.” “We are dealing with the issues of joining together two very disparate companies,” you explain. “On the one hand, UWEAR is public and has 100 employees; on the other hand, PALEDENIM is private with only 15 employees. They basically provide the same type of service, but they are completely different businesses in how they operate inside and outside of the company.” You continue, “Yes, and both the employees and managers of each company have different philosophies and expectations. PALEDENIM employees and managers have a kind of ‘one-for-all and all-for-one’ attitude. They all chip in to get the job done. The UWEAR employees and managers look at things differently. They’re more apt to do their jobs, get them done, and go home without consideration for what else the rest of the team needs to complete.” “That is definitely a culture issue,” Steve agrees. “In fact, that is the classic definition of a culture issue. I’m sure they’re also dealing with the typical power struggles. I bet everyone is worried about whether their department will be headed by a UWEAR manager or a PALEDENIM manager.” Problem B: Regulatory Compliance 2 “Exactly,” you say. “I know the intention of the merger is to benefit both companies, but there are unintended consequences as well. We need to do whatever we can to help the employees of both companies get through this with the fewest glitches possible.
The newly merged company JEANSTYLE needs to create a new Mission, Vision, and Values statement for the new company. You have been asked you to work on this project. You will create a document that will establish the foundation for the success of JEANSTYLE. The document will help to support unity in the newly merged company.
Review the scenario for this course, this article on mission vision and values statements, and prepare the following for your assignment:
Write a mission statement for the new company.
Write a vision statement for the new company.
Write a values statement for the new company.
How can JEANSTYLE communicate these three statements to its employees to establish unity across the merged organization?
Access the assignment template.
Part 7
Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business. Knowing that mergers may require a dramatic change in company culture, you realize that you need to meet with the human resources (HR) and leadership teams because they will play important roles in the merger. The leadership team will drive the change, and the HR team will be charged with managing the change. You have scheduled a meeting with Steve Maine, your vice president at ALTAP consulting, to consult with him on this project. “Thanks for meeting me today, Steve,” you begin. “I need to talk through some of the issues before meeting with the HR and leadership teams at UWEAR and PALEDENIM. The merger is going well, but it is becoming apparent that there are some significant change issues that need to be addressed.” “I’ve heard good things about your work on this project,” Steve answers. “I’m sure you have it under control, but I’ll be happy to help where I can.” “We are dealing with the issues of joining together two very disparate companies,” you explain. “On the one hand, UWEAR is public and has 100 employees; on the other hand, PALEDENIM is private with only 15 employees. They basically provide the same type of service, but they are completely different businesses in how they operate inside and outside of the company.” You continue, “Yes, and both the employees and managers of each company have different philosophies and expectations. PALEDENIM employees and managers have a kind of ‘one-for-all and all-for-one’ attitude. They all chip in to get the job done. The UWEAR employees and managers look at things differently. They’re more apt to do their jobs, get them done, and go home without consideration for what else the rest of the team needs to complete.” “That is definitely a culture issue,” Steve agrees. “In fact, that is the classic definition of a culture issue. I’m sure they’re also dealing with the typical power struggles. I bet everyone is worried about whether their department will be headed by a UWEAR manager or a PALEDENIM manager.” Problem B: Regulatory Compliance 2 “Exactly,” you say. “I know the intention of the merger is to benefit both companies, but there are unintended consequences as well. We need to do whatever we can to help the employees of both companies get through this with the fewest glitches possible.”
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Theresa and Mike understand that building the culture they envision for the newly merged company JEANSTYLE requires effective communication, collaboration, and participative problem solving. They envision creating an organization such that Joe and other employees will know exactly what to do when faced with choices that involve ethics. As the first step in embedding clear ethical processes in the organization, they realize they need to devise a code of conduct. Both companies have operated with an unwritten code that was never formalized. You have been asked to help them understand the purpose and content of an excellent code of conduct and how they should go about developing it.
Review the scenario for this course, and answer the following questions:
What is the purpose of a code of conduct?
Evaluate the code of conduct of Levi Strauss, and describe the ethical principles it includes.
In your own work experience, have you seen similar ethical principles used in organizations and, if so, which ones?
Part 8 see KD template 4
Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business. Knowing that mergers may require a dramatic change in company culture, you realize that you need to meet with the human resources (HR) and leadership teams because they will play important roles in the merger. The leadership team will drive the change, and the HR team will be charged with managing the change. You have scheduled a meeting with Steve Maine, your vice president at ALTAP consulting, to consult with him on this project. “Thanks for meeting me today, Steve,” you begin. “I need to talk through some of the issues before meeting with the HR and leadership teams at UWEAR and PALEDENIM. The merger is going well, but it is becoming apparent that there are some significant change issues that need to be addressed.” “I’ve heard good things about your work on this project,” Steve answers. “I’m sure you have it under control, but I’ll be happy to help where I can.” “We are dealing with the issues of joining together two very disparate companies,” you explain. “On the one hand, UWEAR is public and has 100 employees; on the other hand, PALEDENIM is private with only 15 employees. They basically provide the same type of service, but they are completely different businesses in how they operate inside and outside of the company.” You continue, “Yes, and both the employees and managers of each company have different philosophies and expectations. PALEDENIM employees and managers have a kind of ‘one-for-all and all-for-one’ attitude. They all chip in to get the job done. The UWEAR employees and managers look at things differently. They’re more apt to do their jobs, get them done, and go home without consideration for what else the rest of the team needs to complete.” “That is definitely a culture issue,” Steve agrees. “In fact, that is the classic definition of a culture issue. I’m sure they’re also dealing with the typical power struggles. I bet everyone is worried about whether their department will be headed by a UWEAR manager or a PALEDENIM manager.” Problem B: Regulatory Compliance 2 “Exactly,” you say. “I know the intention of the merger is to benefit both companies, but there are unintended consequences as well. We need to do whatever we can to help the employees of both companies get through this with the fewest glitches possible.”
Theresa and Mike fully support creating a code of conduct for the newly merged JEANSTYLE organization. They have asked you to recommend how they should approach the development of the code of conduct, especially given the need to merge the companies into one team with a shared mission, vision, and values. They are interested in knowing how the code of conduct will help establish the new organizational culture of JEANSTYLE.
Review the scenario for this course, and address the following questions:
What set of steps should be used to create the code of conduct?
What topics should be included in the code of conduct?
What impact does a code of conduct have on an organization’s culture?
Access the assignment template.
Part 9
Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 600–1,000 words on the following:
What were the most compelling topics learned in this course?
How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?
What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information?
Part 10 see KD template 5
Note: All character and company names are fictional and are not intended to depict any actual person or business. Knowing that mergers may require a dramatic change in company culture, you realize that you need to meet with the human resources (HR) and leadership teams because they will play important roles in the merger. The leadership team will drive the change, and the HR team will be charged with managing the change. You have scheduled a meeting with Steve Maine, your vice president at ALTAP consulting, to consult with him on this project. “Thanks for meeting me today, Steve,” you begin. “I need to talk through some of the issues before meeting with the HR and leadership teams at UWEAR and PALEDENIM. The merger is going well, but it is becoming apparent that there are some significant change issues that need to be addressed.” “I’ve heard good things about your work on this project,” Steve answers. “I’m sure you have it under control, but I’ll be happy to help where I can.” “We are dealing with the issues of joining together two very disparate companies,” you explain. “On the one hand, UWEAR is public and has 100 employees; on the other hand, PALEDENIM is private with only 15 employees. They basically provide the same type of service, but they are completely different businesses in how they operate inside and outside of the company.” You continue, “Yes, and both the employees and managers of each company have different philosophies and expectations. PALEDENIM employees and managers have a kind of ‘one-for-all and all-for-one’ attitude. They all chip in to get the job done. The UWEAR employees and managers look at things differently. They’re more apt to do their jobs, get them done, and go home without consideration for what else the rest of the team needs to complete.” “That is definitely a culture issue,” Steve agrees. “In fact, that is the classic definition of a culture issue. I’m sure they’re also dealing with the typical power struggles. I bet everyone is worried about whether their department will be headed by a UWEAR manager or a PALEDENIM manager.” Problem B: Regulatory Compliance 2 “Exactly,” you say. “I know the intention of the merger is to benefit both companies, but there are unintended consequences as well. We need to do whatever we can to help the employees of both companies get through this with the fewest glitches possible.
Your work with the companies is coming to a close. You realize that the new values-driven culture, including the code of conduct, represents just part of the change faced by the newly merged JEANSTYLE organization. Some other examples of change include work roles, reporting structure, and key business processes. The CEOs would like you to recommend a change strategy and process to help them manage change.
Review the scenario for this course and answer the following questions:
What change management model (such as Lewin’s, Kotter’s, or ADKAR) should be used, and why?
What are the set of steps used in the model you chose?
What can the CEO’ do to address resistance to change during the merger?

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