Data Manipulation” Read chapter 14 and then click on the link below. Be sure to

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Data Manipulation”
Read chapter 14 and then click on the link below. Be sure to address each point in your discussion post, making sure that you are using scholarly literature as support.
Manipulation in Science- “Hack Your Way to Scientific Glory”
Next, pick a political party and then click on the different options to see which data will produce something you could publish.
Which data did you need to include in your “study” to produce something that could be published? Did it matter which political party you chose? Describe some of the data you chose and what needed to be excluded as well.
Take a look at the x-axis and y-axis. Based on what you have learned, are these variables objective?
Is p-hacking ethical? Explain why or why not.
After analyzing this example, has this changed how you view and evaluate research?
What are some steps that can be taken so that your own research can be trusted?
Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation. It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA Power Point in the Start Here section of the classroom for information on proper formatting. There will be a deduction of 20 points for failure to cite a source within your initial post and to provide a reference at the end of your initial post.
3. Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words and each response must be a minimum of 200 words. Please double-check your word count. Only posts that meet the word count requirements receive credit.
4. Post your word count at the end of each post. There will be a 5 point deduction for each failure to provide a word count.5. Please address fellow students and professor by name. There will be a 5 point deduction for each failure to address by name.
6. Please use spell-check and proper grammar. Points will be deducted for each spelling and grammatical error up to 10 points for each post. responfd to two peers peers 1
19 minutes agoKenia Williams he economy does not do better, worse, or about the same when more Republicans are in power. The economy does, however, do better under Democratic presidents. The data for this question was chosen to be a simple way to measure whether or not political party affects the economy. This variable was also chosen because it has been shown that Republicans tend to be more conservative and less liberal than Democrats (which can lead to less spending and job growth). The y-axis charts the % change in GDP over time, while the x-axis shows the number of months. The red line represents when Republicans are in power, and the blue line represents when Democrats are in power.When Republicans are in power, there is a large increase in unemployment. This suggests that Republican policies will continue to be ineffective at reducing unemployment. However, when Democrats are in power, there is a large decrease in unemployment (FiveThirtyEight, n.d.). This suggests that Democratic policies will continue to be effective at reducing unemployment. When Republicans are in power, GDP increases by 2% per month, while when there are Democrats in power, it increases by 3% per month (which means over one year, we would expect our GDP to be 8% higher when there are Democrats in power). This means that Republicans have caused less economic growth over time than Democrats have caused, but they still have caused some growth overall. The p-hacking ethical option is a yes because this data was chosen based on previous research done on presidents’ impact on growth which found that Democratic presidents tend to have stronger impacts on economic growth than Republican presidents do. The Jobless rate was chosen because GDP growth and average hourly earnings them are indicators of economic health. The jobless rate reflects how many people are out of work, while GDP growth tells us how fast our economy is growing. Average hourly earnings reflect how much money people make per hour. This example showed that when Republicans are in power, the economy does better. That is so because Democrats typically care more about promoting equality, and Republicans care more about the growing output of goods and services. This can be seen by looking at the data in Figure 1 (FiveThirtyEight, n.d.). The x-axis shows months, while the y-axis shows changes in employment level. The dots represent monthly employment figures from January through March each year (for example, January 2007). The data show a significant increase in employment during Republican years compared with Democratic years. More jobs are being added during Republican years than lost during Democratic years! Word Count: 431 Reference FiveThirtyEight. (n.d.).
peers 2 asandra Cremin COLLAPSEHello class and professor, When clicking around on the website I found a lot of results to be publishable whether I selected republicans or democrats. I was looking for a positive effect on the economy. Although according to the data I chose and which party I selected the results differed between being positive or negative. The data I selected included representatives, measuring inflation and stock prices, and factors in power. Either party you select, democrat or republican, the results are publishable. The only difference in the results between each party is that when the republican results are positive, the Democratic results are negative, and vice versa. Inflation was an important factor to include when trying to find publishable results. P-hacking is unethical no question about it. P-hacking is when researchers manipulate the statics by adding or removing participants to get the p-value at the desirable place (Morling, 2021). The goal of p-hacking is to find a result that may not have existed originally. This is unethical because manipulating the results of a study without informing anybody what you are doing causes false results of a study being published. P-hacking can mislead other researchers that try to replicate a P-hacked study. This example taught me more about why the p-value is so important in research studies. The p-value must be 0.05 or less to be published for everyone to read. When selecting data in this example the p-value changes depending on what you select. With the data, I selected I got a p-value of less than 0.01 which is an acceptable finding. To make sure my research can be trusted I will make sure I measure what is intended to be measured, I will report potential risks, have an appropriate sample size, and make sure my study has good validity and is ethically correct.(W.C 303)Morling, B. (2021). Research methods in psychology: Evaluating a world of information. W. W. Norton & Company.

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