Hi, the answer has already been completed and just needs to be revised which has

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Hi, the answer has already been completed and just needs to be revised which has been attached. Please be sure to highlight all revisions that you make in yellow. The answer currently is missing a “closing paragraph, summarizing the paper and proposal.” I also need someone to double-check to make sure that the final version of the answer addresses all of the requirements listed in the instructions provided below.
2. Find a CBA on the internet; if you cannot find one, email me, and I will give you one.
I cannot express enough in not waiting for next weekend to start writing this paper. You will be rushing, and your paper will look like you are rushing. Do not reinvent the wheel. Google the word, collective bargaining agreements, to find examples. I found this when I googled the words (https://www.bing.com/searchq=1199+collective+bargaining+agreement+2018&FORM=QSRE1 Links to an external site..
3. Write your list of topics that you feel, as a union rep, you want to bargain for.
Wages are mandatory for an employer to bargain, so make sure you list that as one of your demands. Are uniforms being paid for by the employer mandate? Why? By the way, uniforms are part of the bargaining agreement since they are part of the working environment requirements. If it is an office environment, you might get fewer new uniforms, while if you are in an athletic organization and want them to represent a clean style, the employer will have to pay for the uniforms. Yet, the bargaining issue is who washes the paid uniforms and under what condition the employer will replace a paid uniform (i.e., lost or worn and torn?). Remember to use in-text citations.
4. Remember, you are a union rep for the players of an athletic organization.
The best papers I read were when the student considered issues within the NFL, MLB, or NBA, and even college teams now have student-athletes under a union contract. You are a union rep for an athletic organization. I would expect to see that players are having trouble with management and you are representing them. I would read up on recent sports teams who just bargained for a new contract and used their points. Do not reinvent the wheel!
5. Finally, look at the rubric.
You need to have a hidden requirement in your paper, either in a section that addresses Key terms or as an appendix after the reference page. Check out the rubric now for assignment 5’s paper.
The Actual Assignment for Week 5
You will take on the role of an employee union representative tasked to publish a CBA based on the initial negotiation with the employer, an athletic organization. Here are some of the critical points you will need to address in the paper that needs to be four to five pages, double-spaced.
Title Page
Opening Paragraph on who you are as an organization. Give me a profile of the team you represent (make it up or think about a real sports team) and the type of athletic players, plus something about CBA and negotiating a new CBA.
Evaluate what (if any) issues should be permissive versus mandatory within a CBA. Compare and contrast why the said issues should be permissive versus compulsory.
Explain whether public employees should have a right to organize and strike. Provide a rationale for your statements.
Assume that the current CBA is set to expire in six months. Based on your research, answer the following
a. Analyze critical issues that should be included in the new CBA
b. Construct terms for each mandatory subject of bargaining (i.e., hours, wages, terms, and conditions of employment).
c. Design a grievance procedure and policy within the CBA for each party to follow if disputes arise under the CBA.
Closing paragraph, summarizing your paper and proposal.
Reference Page with at least four scholarly source
4-5 Full Pages Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
Please be sure to include an introduction paragraph with a clear thesis statement in the last sentence of the introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each body paragraph
Please be sure to use at least four scholarly sources
Requirements: Please revise the attached answer based on the requested revisions listed above in bold at the top

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