Assessment 2 Instructions: Professional Development Framework Begin developing y

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Assessment 2 Instructions: Professional Development Framework
Begin developing your Professional Development Framework by looking at the Knowledge and Scholarly Thinking domain.Throughout your doctoral program, you will develop and refine a professional development framework to guide your growth during the program as well as your continued growth as a doctoral professional. The purpose of your professional development framework is to help you improve your knowledge, skills, and competencies to develop your academic and professional identity as a DBA scholar-practitioner. The framework contains four key domains of development: (a) knowledge and scholarly thinking, (b) advocate for change, (c) personal effectiveness and professional identity, and (d) applied research competencies.In this assessment, you will develop your framework in the knowledge and scholarly thinking domain. Reflect on your existing strengths as well as areas of potential growth to build the competencies you will need to be a successful DBA scholar-practitioner. The knowledge and scholarly thinking domain is a set of intellectual competencies that are designed to put you on the pathway to move from a consumer of learning for academic purposes to a critical, scholarly, strategic thinker who puts knowledge and scholarly thinking into professional practice. Company leaders expect DBA degree holders to be able to make time-sensitive, critical decisions using creative and critical thinking.In this assessment you will begin developing your framework by looking at the Knowledge and Scholarly Thinking domain. This domain is a set of intellectual competencies that put the scholar-practitioner on the pathway to move from a consumer of learning for academic purposes to a critical, scholarly, strategic thinker who puts knowledge and theory into professional practice. Consider that scholarly thinking involves conceptualization, judgment, synthetic reasoning, creativity, innovativeness, a visionary mindset, problem solving, critical thinking, and the ability to accept and respond to professional critique. As you begin your DBA journey, reflect on your existing strengths as well as areas of potential growth to build the competencies needed to be a successful DBA scholar-practitioner. Company leaders expect DBA degree holders to be able to make time-sensitive, critical decisions using creative and critical thinking. You will need to be aware of your personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, using your strengths to improve the areas of weakness. Furthermore, you will need to possess the ability to learn new business concepts and accomplish significant goals to meet the demands of employers of DBA graduates. After an initial personal and professional assessment of existing competencies, select from the subdomains below to build your professional development framework. You may also create your own subdomains, if you wish. The subdomains reflect competencies you will need to identify, research, and solve business problems. Some subdomains of the Knowledge and Scholarly Thinking domain are:Critical thinking.
Ontological Humility.
Assumption-related decision-making.
Cognition and Reflection.
Creativity and Innovation.
Personal Branding.
You may wish to review the references at the end of the DBA Professional Development Framework Guide [PDF] to deepen your understanding and allow for a more evolved framework as you reflect on:Scholarship & practice.
Intellectual Competencies.
Specialized Content Knowledge & Skills (business acumen). Learning advanced disciplinary knowledge & skills.
Conducting research & scholarship.
Collaborating within & across disciplines.
Knowledge and intellectual abilities. The knowledge, intellectual abilities and techniques to do research.
Cognitive Skills. Includes the skills necessary for the identification, planning, and solution of problems effectively and meaningfully.
Theory. Researching professionals should possess foundational knowledge of theories in their discipline, and deep knowledge of theories that inform their areas of specialization within their discipline.
For this assessment, answer the following questions using your Professional Development Journal [DOCX].Reflection QuestionsUsing what you have learned so far in this course, and in your own professional life, how might you identify your potential for growth in this domain? Which parts of this course caused you the most difficulty? Which seemed the easiest? After considering the most challenging and easiest parts of the course, reflect on which skills you feel are your strengths and which need more practice. Describe.
Which 2-3 subdomains would you like to develop further? This can include subdomains not listed in the Professional Development Framework Guide. What are a few specific goals for these subdomains?
What is your plan for achieving these goals?
What strategies will you use to stay motivated to achieve your goals?
Who in your current network can help you achieve your goals?
Who in your current network might create barriers to achieving your goals?
How will you leverage the helpers and avoid or mitigate the barrier-creators?
How does your chosen specialization in this program align with your personal sense of accomplishments to date or in your future plans?
Think about employers’ expectations of DBA graduates. How does that set of expectations match with the ones you had when choosing the program? How does it differ? Does this gap between your expectations and employers’ expectations excite or worry you? Why or why not?
Complete the first part of the Professional Development Framework chart in the template. Briefly describe your subdomains and goals in the Knowledge & Scholarly Thinking text box.
You will add to this chart in future courses and use it in your final project presentation.
Please remember that your Professional Development Framework is quite personal to you and there are no right or wrong answers. The only “bad” answer is no answer. Really delve into this one so that you can start thinking about your personal framework—this is the foundation of the rest of your program achievements. Laying solid concrete now will be a great way to move forward on your path to your Doctor of Business Administration.When you have completed your reflection:Save the template to your ePortfolio.
Submit the template in this assessment.
Second or Third Submission AttemptsThe second and third submission attempts require the use of the Track Changes feature in MS Word to track revisions. Make any revisions to your assessment based on feedback from your instructor. You will find an overview of the resources on the DBA Submissions Requirements page. For additional information and resources, including how to use Track Changes, see the DBA Course Submissions resource in the DBA Skills Lab.Additional RequirementsAs you complete your assessment, be sure your paper meets the following guidelines:Written communication: Written communication is free from errors that detract from the overall message.
Tone: This framework is an opportunity for you to share your story and goals. For this reason, you may write this assessment in the first-person perspective (I, me).
Scholarship: You are welcome to include scholarly or professionally-reputable practitioner sources to support your main points and analysis, but none are required.
APA formatting: All resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Length: 1-2 typed, single-spaced page(s) within the Professional Development Journal [DOCX]. Alternatively, you can submit 3-4 double-spaced pages.
Font and font-size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
For this assessment, you are required to follow the Standard Naming Convention requirements for any files you upload. You will find the requirements in the DBA Submissions Requirements resources page.
Competencies MeasuredBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment scoring guide criteria:Competency 6: Interpret levels of emotional intelligence, self awareness, and independence of thought through the use of reflective tools.Reflect on potential for growth in this domain.
Select subdomains to be developed.
Create goals for professional development in this domain.
Create a plan for achieving goals.
Reflect on how your chosen specialization in this program aligns with your past accomplishments or your future plans.
Reflect on employers’ expectations of DBA graduates and how they match with your own expectations.

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