Write a Letter to the Editor This assignment requires you effectively demonstrat

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Write a Letter to the Editor
This assignment requires you effectively demonstrate core competencies of critical thinking, communication, social responsibility, and personal responsibility within the context of civic engagement in the U.S. political process. You must
Identify a current political issue that affects you and your community.
Educate yourself about the issue by reading at least three articles from reputable news sources about the issue.
publish a letter to the editor in which youidentify yourself;
identify the political issue about which you are concerned;
clearly state a position on that issue (what the government should do or not do); and
provide an explanation for your position that will persuade the readers to agree with you.
Your letter to the editor should be approximately 200-250 words in length. While that is short, the challenge is to use each word/sentence as effectively as possible. You can embed links to your sources to provide credibility. You should avoid “fluff” such as “Our great country was founded on …” or “For decades the issue of XX has been debated in this country …” Identify yourself, identify the issue you are addressing, identify the position you are taking, and then explain why others should agree with you.
Whether you embed links or not, please insert a page break at the end of your letter and, on a new page, provide accurate citations to the sources you read.
Check the letters-to-the-editor for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram for examples of what a letter-to-the-editor should look like: https://www.star-telegram.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/Links to an external site.
The following links provide details on submissions to some possible media outlets:
Dallas Morning News: https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/2018/12/02/tips-for-letters-to-the-editor-and-op-ed-submissions/Links to an external site.
Fort Worth Star-Telegram: https://www.star-telegram.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/submit-letter/Links to an external site.
For more information about submitting an op-ed as well as links to many, many newspapers, visit The Op-Ed Project: https://www.theopedproject.org/submission-informationLinks to an external site.
PSCI Core 2021
PSCI Core 2021
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Development
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Thorough development of content
6 ptsProficient: Adequate development of content
4 ptsDeveloping: Partial development of content
2 ptsBeginning: Minimal development of content
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorrectness
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Mastery application of the rules of standard English
6 ptsProficient: Above average application of the rules of standard English
4 ptsDeveloping: Acceptable application of the rules of standard English
2 ptsBeginning: Minimal application of the rules of standard English
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization/Structure
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Skillful implementation of an organizational pattern enhances the content’s cohesion
6 ptsProficient: Organizational pattern makes the content mostly cohesive
4 ptsDeveloping: Organizational pattern, in spite of interruptions, contributes to cohesion
2 ptsBeginning: Organizational pattern is intermittently observable and results in minimal cohesion
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStatement of Purpose
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Presents a sophisticated central idea
6 ptsProficient: Presents a central idea
4 ptsDeveloping: Attempt to present a central idea
2 ptsBeginning: Minimal attempt to present a central idea
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConsideration of context, assumptions, other perspectives and the credibility and authority of sources
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Analysis acknowledges complexity and bias; identifies influence of context and questions assumptions; clearly integrates multiple perspectives and justifies on view while respecting others
6 ptsProficient: Engages challenging ideas tentatively or in ways that overstate the conflict; identifies but mostly dismisses alternative views
4 ptsDeveloping: Provides some recognition of context and consideration of assumptions and their implications
2 ptsBeginning: Approaches the issue in egocentric or socio-centric terms; analysis is grounded in absolutes, with little acknowledgement of own biases
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopment and presentation of argument, position or hypothesis with logical progression
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Presents and justifies clearly and in detail own argument, position or hypothesis while qualifying or integrating contrary views or interpretations
6 ptsProficient: Argument, position, or hypothesis includes original thinking that acknowledges, refutes, synthesizes or extends other assertions, although some aspects have not been fully developed
4 ptsDeveloping: Argument, position or hypothesis is clearly stated but with little original consideration
2 ptsBeginning: Argument, position or hypothesis is unclear, simplistic or re-stated with little original consideration; fails to accurately present, justify or develop argument, position or hypothesis
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction of problem, question or issue
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Clearly identifies the challenge and subsidiary, embedded, or implicit aspects of the problem, question or issue
6 ptsProficient: Summarizes the problem, question or issue but some nuances and details are missing or glossed over
4 ptsDeveloping: Summarizes the problem, question or issue, though some aspects are incorrect or confused
2 ptsBeginning: Fails to accurately identify and summarize problem, question or issue
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation of conclusions and their implications
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Identifies and discusses well-reasoned conclusions and their implications; integrates conclusions and implications
6 ptsProficient: Accuratley presents well-reasoned conclusions; presents implications that are only loosely connected to the conclusions
4 ptsDeveloping: Accurately presents conclusions; implications are absent
2 ptsBeginning: Fails to accurately identify conclusions or implications; conclusions are simplistic, absolute or attributed to an external authority
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation, interpretation and analysis of information, data or evidence
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Examines and addresses evidence and its source; questions the accuracy, relevance and completeness of evidence
6 ptsProficient: Provides evidence of search, selection and source evaluation skills; discerns fact from opinion and may recognize bias in evidence
4 ptsDeveloping: Demonstrates adequate skill in searching, selecting and evaluating sources to meet the information need; use of evidence is qualified and selective
2 ptsBeginning: Repeats information provided without question or dismisses evidence without adequate justification; data/evidence or sources are simplistic or inappropriate
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalyzes Ethical Issue
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Skillfully analyzes the ethical issue
6 ptsProficient: Adequately analyzes the ethical issue
4 ptsDeveloping: Partially analyzes the ethical issue
2 ptsBeginning: Minimally analyzed the ethical issue
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescribes the Ethical Issue
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Skillfully describes the ethical issue
6 ptsProficient: Adequately describes the ethical issue
4 ptsDeveloping: Partially describes the ethical issue
2 ptsBeginning: Minimally describes the ethical issue
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscusses Possible Consequences of Solution
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Skillfully discusses possible consequences of solution
6 ptsProficient: Adequately discusses possible consequences of solution
4 ptsDeveloping: Partially discusses possible consequences of solution
2 ptsBeginning: Minimally discusses possible consequences of solution
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJustifies the Suggested Solution to the Ethical Issue
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Skillfully justifies the suggested solution to the ethical issue
6 ptsProficient: Adequately justifies the suggested solution to the ethical issue
4 ptsDeveloping: Partially justifies the suggested solution to the ethical issue
2 ptsBeginning: Minimally justifies the suggested solution to the ethical issue
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSuggests Steps to Solve Ethical
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Skillfully suggests steps to solve the ethical issue
6 ptsProficient: Adequately suggests steps to solve the ethical issue
4 ptsDeveloping: Partially suggests steps to solve the ethical issue
2 ptsBeginning: Minimally suggests steps to solve the ethical issue
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcknowledge Civic Responsibility
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: A complex and fully developed combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation as they relate to civic life and affairs of regional, national, and/or global communities
6 ptsProficient: An advanced and well developed combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation as they relate to civic life and affairs of regional, national and/or global communities
4 ptsDeveloping: An adequate and acceptably developed combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation as they relate to civic life and affairs of regional, national and/or global communities
2 ptsBeginning: A surface understanding of knowledge, skills, values and motivation involved in civic responsibility and difficulty relating to civic life and affairs of regional, national and/or global communities
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcknowledge Perspectives
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Exceptional ability to articulate insights into diverse cultural/intercultural perspectives including one’s own cultural rules and biases
6 ptsProficient: Advanced recognition and articulation of diverse cultural/intercultural perspectives including one’s own cultural rules and biases
4 ptsDeveloping: Adequate understanding of diverse cultural/intercultural perspectives including one’s own cultural rules and biases
2 ptsBeginning: Surface understanding of diverse cultural perspectives including one’s own cultural rules and biases
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApply Civic Responsibility
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Demonstrates civic engagement through reflection on community based action and/or research and exceptional reflective analysis of the purpose and benefits of the engagement
6 ptsProficient: Demonstrates civic engagement through reflection on community based action and/or research and advanced reflective analysis of the purpose and benefits of the engagement
4 ptsDeveloping: Demonstrates civic engagement through reflection on community based action and/or research and adequate reflective analysis of the purpose and benefits of the engagement
2 ptsBeginning: Demonstrates civic engagement through reflection on community based action and/or research that shows limited ability to reflect or analyze the purpose and benefits of the engagement
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApply Perspectives
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Demonstrates exceptional ability to assume a perspective other than one’s own and express empathy for diverse perspectives
6 ptsProficient: Demonstrates advanced ability to assume a perspective other than one’s own and express empathy for diverse perspectives
4 ptsDeveloping: Demonstrates adequate ability to assume a perspective other than one’s own and express empathy for diverse perspectives
2 ptsBeginning: Demonstrates minimal ability to assume a perspective other than one’s own and expresses limited empathy for diverse perspectives
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal Development
threshold: 6.0 pts
8 ptsAdvanced: Articulates insights about personal attitudes, behaviors or beliefs seeking complexity and understanding and recognizing cultural biases, resulting in a shift in self-description
6 ptsProficient: Recognizes new perspectives about own personal attitudes, behaviors or beliefs (e.g. not looking for sameness; comfortable with the complexities that new perspectives offer)
4 ptsDeveloping: Identifies own personal attitudes, behaviors or beliefs (e.g. with a strong preference for those rules shared with own cultural group and seeks the same in others)
2 ptsBeginning: Shows minimal awareness of own personal attitudes, behaviors or beliefs, even those shared with own cultural group(s) (e.g. uncomfortable with identifying possible cultural differences with others)
0 ptsNot Applicable: Did not complete or no attempt
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitations
6 ptsAdvanced
– Three references provided – All three are legitimate news sources – Proper citation format used
4 ptsProficient
– Three references provided – One or more are from suspect sources – Proper citation format used
2 ptsDeveloping
– Two to three references provided – All sources are suspect – Difficulty distinguishing source of citation
0 ptsBeginning
– No references provided
6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
18 ptsAdvanced
– Addressee is clear – Clearly identifies a political issue – Clearly identifies the author’s point of view
14 ptsProficient
– Addressee is clear – Clearly identifies a political issue – Author’s point of view unclear
10 ptsDeveloping
– Addressee is clear – Nature of political issue is vague – Author’s point of view unclear
4 ptsBeginning
– No clear addressee – Nature of political issue is vague – Author’s point of view unclear or absent
18 pts
Total Points: 176

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