Important: This Exam is a challenging Exam, which might leave some of you frustr

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Important: This Exam is a challenging Exam, which might leave some of you frustrated others angry BUT my intention in giving this EXAM to you – is to expose you to the Terms, Definitions, and Uses of what you have learned. Obviously, most of you took this class to get a foundational learning experience in health and medicine. This EXAM is a reflection of what you have learned but not a reflection of your knowledge. I want you to access any resource you want in completing this Exam idea is to get done as much as you can and show me what you know and what you don’t know – do your best and have fun with it.
Written essay section: Questions 61 thru 100 are written answers, make sure the answers are “in your own words” I know when students copy and paste from google and other websites. Besides what’s the point in stealing from the Internet – don’t you want to know how much you learned – isn’t that why you took this class? Impress yourself!
Read the question, do the research, and write it in your own words – if you do not follow these directions, be prepared to receive a ‘0’ for this section of the final exam. Please number the questions – make sure each question has its answer – be organized!
The best way to respond to these questions is to copy the entire 40 questions to another word document, once you have done with responding to answers copy and paste it back or attach it as a word document or a PDF.
Make sure to write the question – directly below you write the answer – all questions should be numbered accordingly – once again if you copy the entire 61-100 questions to a word document and respond to each question with the answer below once complete copy and paste it back for optimal results
Essay Questions start here
61. Recently the patient began to suffer pain and swelling in both knees with loss of mobility. Blood analysis reveals an excess of uric acid in the blood. What is the diagnosis __________________________________________________________________________
62. Where would this condition of hypertension be mentioned in the record? Make sure to go over the Chapter #2 medical charts to determine the diagnosis ____________________________
63. A 63-year-old male was diagnosed as having carcinoma of the esophagus with metastatic lesions in the lung. The condition had progressed to a point where an x-ray examination showed a chronic dilatation of the bronchi of the lung. In addition, the medical history reported that the patient had suffered a coronary thrombosis within the past month. What are the proper diagnosis ___________________________________________________________________
64.Terms like hematuria, hemoptysis, and hemorrhage begin with the word root hem- which means blood. This root also is used as a suffix and when so used, the syllable -ia is added to it to produce -hemia. Thus, the term polycythemia means abnormal increase of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood. Sometimes the his omitted, such as in the word hyperglyc(h)emia which means abnormally high blood sugar. Can you think of a condition with the suffix -emia which is characterized by an abnormal reduction in red blood cells ________________________________________________________________________
65. You have seen the term bronchiectasis (bronch = bronchial tubes of the lung) + (-estasis = expansion, dilatation). This is a condition characterized by the chronic dilatation of the bronchi. The suffix -ectasis means dilatation; the suffix -stenosis means constriction or narrowing. Therefore, a condition opposite to bronchiectasis would be bronchostenosis — the stricture or abnormal diminution of the caliber (diameter) of the bronchi.
Select the word which is described in each of the following statements.
Emphysema, abnormal swelling or inflation of the lungs, is known as: _________________
A tumor located near an artery could expand causing the artery to be constricted. Such a condition would be known as:___________________________________________
66. You know that two different medical terms can have the same meaning. Two different suffixes can also have the same or similar meanings. An example is the suffix -(i)asis (condition of, formation of, presence of) and the suffix -poiesis(formation of, production of). Some words using these two terms are as follows, now give their definitions
lithiasis _________________________________
nephrolithiasis __________________________________
hemopoiesis _____________________________________________
67. A medical record noted the presence of a severe asthmatic attack one week prior to admission. Would this most likely be due to _______________________________________
68. As cancer progresses, it is not unusual for the lymph nodes around the primary site to become affected. Also, certain types of cancer — Hodgkin disease, lymphocytic leukemia, and lymphosarcoma — are closely associated with the lymphatic system, especially enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck and groin and enlargement of the lymphoid tissue of the spleen. Fill the blank in the statement with an appropriate term._____________________________
69. Recently a male patient began to spit up blood. Also, he has experienced shortness of breath and, in general, has been having difficulty breathing. A physical examination of the lungs revealed obstruction in the passage of air. The patient’s breath was fetid (bad smelling, stinking), and he admitted to severe coughing spells in recent days. Identify the diagnosis ________________________________________________________________________
70.This is the first admission for this 55-year-old white male. He appears in general good health. For the past two weeks he has experienced dysphagia, an occasional hemoptysis. Four days ago, he had a severe asthmatic attack relieved only after receiving Adrenalin. X-rays show a carcinoma of the bronchus. Name the diagnosis.____________________________________________________________________
71. A 52-year-old male has experienced a marked loss of weight during the past month. He denies loss of appetite but on occasion has coughed up blood. He denies a history of ulcers or any previous history of internal hemorrhaging. What are the symptoms contained in the above description? Give appropriate medical terminology. ____________________________________________________________________________
72. A 35-year-old male has experienced hoarseness for more than four months. He has found it increasingly difficult and painful to swallow. In the past week, he began having breathing difficulties (dyspnea). About three months ago, he experienced some dizziness, and he fainted during once of these episodes. However, these spells have not occurred for the past two months. Identify the symptoms that might be recorded in the medical record _________________________________________________________________________
73. A 58-year-old man noticed the development of dry, scaly patches on the back of his hand. On two or three occasions within the past month, he rubbed off portions of this scaly layer and bleeding occurred. Eventually, this condition was diagnosed as basal cell carcinoma. What is the significant symptom? ________________________________________________________
74. A variety of diseases, including bladder or prostatic cancer, may produce urinary symptoms. Such difficulties include: Give the proper medical terminology for these definitions
a weak or interrupted flow of urine ___________________________________
the need to urinate often ___________________________________________
inability to or difficulty in urinating ____________________________________
blood in the urine _________________________________________________
painful or burning urination _________________________________________
75. A 20-year-old, obese female has stopped menstruating (amenorrhea) and has gained 30 pounds during the past six months. Her hair distribution has begun to acquire the characteristics of those of a male. How would you describe these symptoms? Identify appropriate symptoms ___________________________________________________________________________
76. A patient was found to have a digestive system disorder resulting in the body’s not being able to obtain nutritional value from ordinary food. If this condition existed for too long a time, it could lead to a condition known as ___________________________________________________________________________
77. As part of a physical examination, the examining physician notes the ability of the patient to move his or her limbs, the ability to feel, and the ability to speak, remember, see, and hear in a normal fashion. The absence or malfunction of these abilities can be associated with nervous or neurological disorders. Loss of the ability to move parts of the body or to receive sensations will be noted. In many of these instances, the record will state that there seems to be some type of paralysis associated with the cranial nerves, the spinal nerves, or some condition of the brain tissues. Find proper medical terms to describe the condition. ____________________________________________________________________________
78. List two sources within a medical record where the information about present or recent illnesses is most likely to be found. ___________________________________________________________________________
79. In the SOAP chart, which section and where would you find the test and procedures that were completed in the past? _______________________________________________________________________
80. Identify the small intestine; list the anatomy, and physiology within the small intestine along with each of their functions
Case Study #1 : Clerical Worker
(80-90 Questions )
Part #1 – about the patient
Susan is a 25-year-old clerical worker, and a mother to a 2-year-old son. She also owned two cats and dogs. Susan had been diagnosed with asthma at the age of 7. To manage her asthma, she uses an inhaler when needed.
hospital visits
Within the last 7 months, Susan had been admitted to the hospital three times due to acute asthma exacerbation. Prior to being admitted to the hospital, Susan had noticed that she had a sore throat and her nasal cavity was filled with mucus. She had increased wheezing, coughing, and feelings of breathlessness and tightness of the chest.
While being admitted to the hospital Susan was treated with oxygen and prescribed to continue use with oral medications. She also scheduled a follow-up appointment.
progression of asthma
A year later, Susan had been staying with her mother and noticed she was experiencing the same symptoms as before. Her mother insisted on waiting until the next day until she goes to the doctor. Later that evening, Susan had passed out due to a lack of oxygen and was not able to be revived.
Questions : (81 – 90) (write the question/answer to the following:
81. What were Susan’s Symptoms prior to being admitted to the hospital?
82. What were other factors based on the history that may have contributed?
83. What type of trigger did Susan suffer from?
84. What ways could a professional have predicted Susan’s final asthma attack?
85. What medication would you prescribe to your patient?
86. What is Asthma?
87. What kind of illness is Asthma?
88. Describe what an Asthma attack?
89. What type of Triggers are there for Asthma?
90. What are the Signs/Symptoms of Asthma?
Case Study #2 – Base Ball Star – Use the SOAP chart provided
(90 -100 questions)
Jane brings in her four-year-old named Tim to a comprehensive pediatrics clinic in order to assess his health status. Jane reports that Tim is very curious and smart and gets along socially with other children. Jane says that Tim’s preschool teacher suggested she take him into the doctor for a health screening, because she has noticed his stools looking oily when he uses the bathroom.
Patient History:
Tim’s mother Jane is a former drug user and has no family in the area. For these reasons, along with the socioeconomic status of his household (below the poverty line), Tim had a difficult first few years of life. However, recently his mom got help from social services and has been drug-free for six months. They are living in a new rental home and Tim is adjusting well to his new living situation but is still struggling at school. He recently had several accidents and so they temporarily put him in pull-up diapers. He has also shown to be hesitant in engaging in physical activity and seems more tired and exhausted than a typical four-year-old should be.
Measurements & Vital Signs :
Age: 4.5 yrs
Height: 3 ft. 7 inch
Weight: 32 lbs.
Pulse: 108 bpm
Respiratory Rate: 30 breaths/min
Temperature: 99.1 degrees F
Blood pressure: 100/55 mmHg
Physical Exam:
General appearance: Good-natured, active, secure
Ear, Nose & Throat: Runny nose. Ears do not show sign of infection
Abdominal: Normal; no pain reported upon touching
Neuro: Normal
Respiratory: Cracking/wheezing sounds; slight cough
Cardio: Normal Nails:
Nails: normal in color but nail beds are slightly curved
Conduct research complete the Assessment and Plan section using the patient’s clinical data set, Complete the Soap Chart for this patient -( see the attached chart provided – ONLY use what’s given to you)
Comments from Customer
course name medical terminology for body

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