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For this assignment, your end goal is to create a short checklist to help an educator select
appropriate technology to teach a lesson or skill. You will formulate your checklist by
researching and gathering information from other educators who regularly use technology in
their instruction. You will then evaluate the data you collect for common criteria or themes,
which will serve as the foundation for your checklist. As a result of this assignment, you will
have practiced a data-driven study and compilation of information to create a checklist that you
or other educators could use for lesson planning.
1. Begin by identifying three educators who regularly use technology in their classrooms.
Explain to them the purpose of this assignment and set up a time in which you can interview
them. If needed, you may use educators’ online blogs as your sources.
2. Plan your interview/research questions. There is no set number of questions you must ask the
interviewees; however, ensure you get the information you need to complete the assignment
effectively. The purpose of your interviews/research is to understand how the educators you
selected choose the various technology tools they use for their lessons. You will want to ask
each participant the same or similar questions so you can compare their answers to find
common themes among their replies. You are essentially seeking to identify the key
questions an instructor asks themselves when choosing a technology tool for a lesson. When
selecting instructional technology tools, what factors did they consider? Sample questions
you might ask in the interview could be:
a. How do you know what technology to use when you want to teach a skill?
b. What program do you use to create a formative assessment?
c. How do you choose a summative assessment tool?
d. Is there a type of technology that you use frequently? Why?
3. After your interviews/research, compile your data into an Excel spreadsheet or table in Word.
See the Professional Interview Project Example provided with this assignment for an
example. Include the following in your chart:
a. Identify your source and write a brief descriiption of why they were selected.
b. List the questions you asked each interviewee and a summary of their respective
responses. State a theme that reflects the content and subject matter of each response.
c. Identify common criteria or themes among the educators. Highlight key words and
look for patterns or similarity between answers.
4. Use the data you have compiled in the chart and, in a separate Word document file, create a
short and practical checklist that educators could use when planning their lessons. This
checklist should help educators validate their technology selection as an appropriate tool for
the skill they want their students to practice. The checklist items should be in the form of a
question (e.g., “Is the end goal for students to know/discover something or to solve a
problem?”). Provide 3 – 5 reflective questions.
EDUC 630
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5. In the submission area for this assignment, submit both your Excel spreadsheet or Word table
containing your data collection as well as your separate document file containing your 3 – 5
checklist questions.
I will attach a pdf of the instructions as well as a student example of what the project should include

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