– Signature Assignment: Create a Technology Integration Plan Hide Folder Informa

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– Signature Assignment: Create a Technology Integration Plan
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For this assignment, you will be a creating a technology integration plan that can be presented to educators for help with incorporating educational technology into their curriculum.
Your assignment consists of two parts:
Part I:
Describe how the turn-around technology integration pedagogy and planning (TTIPP) model can be used to help integrate technology into the curriculum.
Your plan should cover the purpose and importance of the model and a detailed description of each of the phases, including references to TPCK/TPACK, the technology lesson plan evaluation checklist, the RAT matrix, and the technology impact checklist, available in the Roblyer and Hughes (2019) textbook.
Length: 5-7 pages
References: Minimum of 3 scholarly resources
Your plan should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
Part II:
Select a presentation format (narrated PowerPoint, YouTube video presentation, or presentation using software like Prezi) and then use it to develop a presentation to other educators for help with incorporating technology into their curriculum. If you are a PK-12 educator, include technological possibilities and integration strategies for one of the following areas of curriculum: special education; English and language arts; foreign languages; science, engineering, and math; music and art; and physical and health education.
Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.
Length: 10-12 slides (with a separate reference slide)
Resources: Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources.
Speaker Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide
Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.
If you are using a link to your presentation, make sure to provide a link that is accessible by the public.
Upload your presentation (if appropriate) or a Microsoft Word file with a link to your presentation and click the Submit to Dropbox button.
Due Date
Jan 15, 2023 11:59 PM
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Rubric Name: EDL-7040_Week8_GradingRubricV2
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CriteriaExceeds Expectations4 points
Meets Expectations
3.4 points
Needs Improvement
3 points
Not Evident
0 points
Criterion Score
Completion of Part I of the Assignment per Instructions
Completes all required elements of Part I of the assignment and addresses all questions/tasks posed in the assignment prompt.
Completes all required elements of Part I of the assignment and addresses most of the questions/tasks posed in the assignment prompt.
Completes some elements of Part I and/or does not address several questions/tasks posed in the assignment prompt.
Completes few elements of Part I and/or does not address many questions/tasks posed in the assignment prompt.
Score of Completion of Part I of the Assignment per Instructions,
/ 4
Completion of Part II of the Assignment per Instructions
Completes all required elements of Part II of the assignment and addresses all questions/tasks posed in the assignment prompt.
Completes all required elements of Part II of the assignment and addresses most of the questions/tasks posed in the assignment prompt.
Completes some elements of Part II and/or does not address several questions/tasks posed in the assignment prompt.
Completes few elements of Part II and/or does not address many questions/tasks posed in the assignment prompt.
Score of Completion of Part II of the Assignment per Instructions,
/ 4
CriteriaExceeds Expectations15 points
Meets Expectations
12.75 points
Needs Improvement
11.25 points
Not Evident
0 points
Criterion Score
Quality of Content
Quality of responses to question(s), issue(s), scenario(s), and/or other criteria on both parts of the assignment is excellent overall. Responses are thoughtful, thorough, and well-reasoned.
Quality of responses to question(s), issue(s), scenario(s), and/or other criteria on both parts of the assignment is good overall. Responses are mostly thoughtful, thorough, and well-reasoned.
Quality of responses to questions posed is average overall. Responses are occasionally thoughtful and/or may not be thorough or well-reasoned.
Quality of responses to questions posed is below average overall. Responses are generally not thoughtful, thorough, or well-reasoned.
Score of Quality of Content,
/ 15
CriteriaExceeds Expectations3 points
Meets Expectations
2.55 points
Needs Improvement
2.25 points
Not Evident
0 points
Criterion Score
Organization and Design
Organization and design for plan and presentation are clear, effective, and well-organized. Visuals, graphics, and design enhance the content considerably.
Organization and design for plan and presentation are mostly clear, effective, and well-organized. Visuals, graphics, and design enhance the content.
Organization and design for plan and presentation are minimally clear, effective, and well-organized. Visuals, graphics, and design enhance the content minimally.
Organization and design for plan and presentation are unclear, ineffective, and disorganized. Visuals, graphics, and design do not enhance the content.
Score of Organization and Design,
/ 3
CriteriaExceeds Expectations2 points
Meets Expectations
1.7 points
Needs Improvement
1.5 points
Not Evident
0 points
Criterion Score
Integration of Resources
Demonstrates excellent understanding of NCU-provided resources. 3 or more additional resources are included; these resources are of excellent quality and/or appropriate for the assignment.
Demonstrates good understanding of NCU-provided resources. 3 additional resources are included; these resources are of good quality and/or appropriate for the assignment.
Demonstrates some understanding of NCU-provided resources. 2 to 3 resources are included; these resources are of average quality and/or may not be appropriate for the assignment.
Demonstrates very little understanding of NCU-provided resources or does not use NCU-provided resources. Fewer than 2 resources are included and/or very few of the resources included are appropriate for the assignment.
Score of Integration of Resources,
/ 2
No punctuation or mechanical errors; follows standard writing conventions; no APA formatting errors.
Few punctuation or mechanical errors; follows standard writing conventions most of the time; few APA errors.
Some punctuation and/or mechanical errors; occasionally follows standard writing conventions; some APA errors.
Too many punctuation and/or mechanical errors; does not follow standard writing conventions; too many APA errors.
Score of Writing/APA,
/ 2
TotalScore of EDL-7040_Week8_GradingRubricV2,
/ 30Overall Score
Level 430 points minimum
Level 325.5 points minimum
Level 222.5 points minimum
Level 10 points minimum
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