I need two answers/papers to this question. (For two students) part one: Assessm

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I need two answers/papers to this question. (For two students)
part one: Assessment Data
Throughout this course, we have examined western civilization’s tendency to broaden individual rights. This trend has produced modern western societies with more robust political and economic freedom when compared to Europe in 1200 A.D.
However, commentators like David Brooks of the NYT express concern that western society’s focus on expanding individual freedom has yielded unintended consequences that manifest in a deterioration of social cohesion. For example, Brooks notes that western society increasingly suffers from: sharp increases in people reporting loneliness, depression, and in rising suicide rates. Moreover, Brooks laments that many western nations are experiencing a decline in marriage rates and falling trust in institutions.
Is Brooks right to attribute these statistics to the excesses of western individualism? Why or why not?
Here is a link to a talk Brooks gave at Davidson College where he made some of the arguments I’m referencing:
https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=10156123122347052&_rdrLinks to an external site.
There is no page requirement, but your answer will be evaluated using the same rubric we have used for all our written assignments.
Civilization 1/2 Assessment Rubric: Critical Thinking, Writing, & Discipline-Specific Knowledge
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis (solution / outcome)
4 ptsExceeds Expectations
Appropriate, well developed, identifiable strong thesis makes a supportable statement, claim, conclusion or hypothesis about the prompt; thesis has a specific focus.
3 ptsMeets Expectations
Appropriate and clearly identifiable thesis makes a supportable statement, claim, conclusion or hypothesis about the prompt; thesis may lack development, focus and/or specificity.
2 ptsBelow Expectations
Weak thesis fails to make a supportable statement, claim, conclusion or hypothesis about the prompt; thesis may lack clarity in focus, development or support–while still appropriate to the prompt.
1 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Topic sentence instead of a thesis.
0 ptsNot gradable
No discernible thesis.
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscipline-Specific Knowledge (data)
4 ptsExceeds Expectations
Accurate supporting sources / examples (4 or more) provide persuasive support for the thesis. Use of support demonstrates a thorough familiarity with relevant history and/or literary source material covered in the course
3 ptsMeets Expectations
Accurate supporting evidence/examples (3-4) provide sufficient and specific support for the thesis. Use of support demonstrates an adequate knowledge of relevant history and/or literary source material covered in the course. Some relevant examples may be omitted.
2 ptsBelow Expectations
Marginally accurate or few supporting examples/evidence (1-2) offer minimal support for the thesis. Support tends toward generalities not specifics. Support demonstrates only a basic knowledge of relevant history and/or literary source material covered in course. Clearly relevant examples may be omitted
1 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Offers little in the way of accurate supporting examples/evidence–either in number or quality. Examples tend toward generalities and/or inaccuracies suggesting little grasp of relevant history and/or literary source material covered in the course.
0 ptsNot Gradable
No attempt to use appropriate sources covered in the course to support argument.
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData use & interpretation (ideas, connections, & logical relationships)
4 ptsExceeds Expectations
Essay demonstrates a thorough grasp of the most important, relevant historical issues and contexts raised by prompt/topic. Essay makes persuasive connections between relevant historical issues/contexts and author’s analysis of the topic.
3 ptsMeets Expectations
Essay demonstrates a good grasp of some (but not most) of the important historical issues and contexts raised by prompt/topic. Essay makes reasonable connections between relevant historical issues/contexts and author’s analysis of the topic.
2 ptsBelow Expectations
Essay demonstrates partial grasp of at least one historical issue or context raised by prompt; some key issues/contexts may be omitted and/or connections may be untenable.
1 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Essay demonstrates an inadequate grasp of historical issues and/or contexts raised by prompt; most key issues/contexts omitted. Essay makes only vague connections betweeen historical issues/contexts and author’s analysis of the prompt.
0 ptsNot Gradable
Essay fails to demonstrate comprehension of historical issues, contexts, and/or connections between them.
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis [of Prompt/Topic, Sources / Support]
4 ptsExceeds Expectations
Persuasive analysis breaks prompt/topic into its most relevant questions/components with substantive discussion of each part; analysis uses multiple points of view demonstrating a multidimensional understanding of the prompt/topic. Description/ summary used only as support, not in place of analysis.
3 ptsMeets Expectations
Appropriate but uneven analysis breaks prompt/topic into some of its most relevant questions / components with adequate discussion of each part; analysis uses at least pro/con perspectives demonstrating a bi-dimensional understanding of the prompt/ topic. Minimal use of description/ summary in place of analysis.
2 ptsBelow Expectations
Appropriate but flawed, uneven, and/or weak analysis. Identifies at least one relevant component in prompt and/or lacks adequate discussion of any parts; may evince a uni-dimensional understanding of prompt. Description/summary often used in place of analysis.
1 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Analysis of prompt is only marginally present and clearly flawed and/or very weak. Inadequate discussion tends toward description/summary and evinces little or no understanding of prompt.
0 ptsNot Gradable
No analysis of prompt; narrative may be unrelated and/or inconsistently stated and/or only marginally connected to prompt.
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLanguage Use / Communication Ability
4 ptsExceeds Expectations
Well-written, organized and easily understandable essay conveys its meaning in appropriate and virtually error-free standard English. Adequate and accurate use of appropriate historical and literary terminology.
3 ptsMeets Expectations
Understandable, organized essay conveys its meaning in clearly written and appropriate standard English with few usage errors. Appropriate historical and literary terminology may be incomplete or inaccurate.
2 ptsBelow Expectations
Understandable essay conveys its meaning with some difficulty caused by weak organization and/or usage errors. Little effort to use appropriate and/or accurate historical and literary terminology.
1 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Errors in language use and/or organization often impede effort to convey meaning. Marginally understandable essay presents significant challenges for the reader. No significant use of appropriate and/or accurate historical and literary terminology.
0 ptsNot Gradable
Weak language use consistently impedes any attempt to convey meaning via significant usage errors and/or lack of organization.
4 pts
Total Points: 20
Part two: Road to Wigan Pier Critical Analysis Paper
For our second critical analysis paper, you have two options to pick from. The format and page requirements are the same as the first paper– 6 pages, double-spaced, size 12 font.
The Industrial Revolution is thought to have improved the material standard of living for most people in Britain (by lowering the cost of basic staples like food and clothing and raising wages) when compared to pre-industrial Britain when most people worked in agriculture and made the majority of the products they used themselves often at great cost in terms of time and labor.
In lowering the cost of basic products through more efficient mass production, the Industrial Revolution also created a life for workers both inside and outside the mills and factories that Orwell describes in his book as miserable.
Given the tradeoffs inherent in industrial production, take a position where you argue either for or against (or for a some balance between the two) economic development that raises material standard of living (by lowering cost of living) but does so through work that some find dehumanizing.
2. In the first chapter, Orwell described the meals provided by the Brookers to their lodgers. These meals were non-nutritious and in no way sated a man’s hunger. How is this nutritional issue and the role of the Brookers as caregivers to their renters symbolic of other themes in his book, such as how the intellectual class see the country’s need for Socialism to improve the life of the poor?
Please note that you will do the same parts twice for two students.

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